SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Festival les Ecrans Documentaires 2009 : présélections

Genre : Calls for papers
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : 2009
Published on : 19/06/2009
Source : Deligne (marc-francois.deligne AT pouchet.cnrs.fr)

Les Ecrans Documentaires festival will take place from October 27th to November 1st 2009. We would like to inform you that the registration deadline is postponed until July 6th 2009.

You can register on the festival website :

Follow the link : "Les inscriptions sont ouvertes"

Once the registration is done, don't forget to send your DVD as soon as possible.

Recurring events

1 files


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of