SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Se Nou Ki la !

© JY Le Docte
Genre : Album | World
Release date : Monday 27 april 2015
Column : Music
Price : 15.10€

Chouk Bwa Libète is a Haitian mizik rasin (root music) band deeply embedded in rural voodoo and its three ingredients, drums, songs and dance. This economy of means proves all the more powerful to express the intensity of their mystical, committed discourse. This debut album was made in April 2014 in the village Petite Rivière Bayonnais, close to the lakou of Souvenance where the drum-maker Charles Simé lives. Recorded under the cover of an ajoupa open to the winds, these 15 tracks bear the marks of daily village life and carry the flame of a cosmopolitan African inheritance. The CD booklet features photos by Jacques-Yves Le Docte and excerpts from Yanick Lahens' novel Bain de Lune, as a subtle and brotherly reflection to Jean-Claude ‘Sambaton' Dorvil's mighty lyrics (fully featured in the liner notes).



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  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

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