SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Voisine (La)

  • Voisine (La)
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 100 (in minutes)

The world of the Casbah is governed by strict laws delimiting space and time. In the casbah, women obey to strict laws transmitted from generation to generation and which mark the daily life of the moes tightly locked upon their secrets on the hill of Algiers overlooking the port and the sea so near. The dala (chore done in turn by each tenant), the coffee brak or West Eddar side courtyard), the washing, hanging up of clothes, the chore of water collecting, are all part of women's life and do not admit the slightest transgression. A ritual traced on a balance maintained by the owner of the house who is aware of the role as referee and omnipresent authority. But one day, this balance is jeopardised by a new comer : the new neighbour, a young and beautiful woman who arrives as a paradox in this courtyard where the sky looks like a piece of material. A neighbour, stranger to town life, the sea, the Casbah, and ignorant about these laws into which she bumps. A woman similar to a healthy plant, avid of sunshine, who will trouble all the women of the household because she appears as a danger in their well known and preserved universe.


2 files


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

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