SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Colecção Crescente

© Kulungwana/Titos Pelembe/Mieke Oldenburg
Genre : Exhibition | Maputo

From thursday 02 april to saturday 16 may 2015

Times : 00:00
Contact details : Kulungwana
Tel. : 00 258 21333048
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts, Photo

Kulungwana Association opens on Thursday 2nd April at 18h00, at "Sala de Espera" Gallery, at the Central Train Station in Maputo, the group exhibition "COLECÇÃO CRESCENTE 2015", curated by artist Mieke Oldenburg.

This is the 5th edition of this project, that has as its objective to provide an impulse in the creation of new work, including more than 100 participants in total – from established to emerging artists, as well as students – a number that increases each year. This year a theme was suggested to the artists: "A Vida na Rua" / "Life on the Street" - a theme proposed by 'friends' of Kulungwana Association on Facebook – inviting artists to reflect on this concept through a variety of techniques, on 3 blocks of MDF measuring 18 x 18 cm, as in previous editions of the exhibition.

All works will be sold at the same price, as an initiative that has as its main aim to invite all art lovers, the curious viewer, as well as all members of the public interested in beginning or expanding their personal art collection, to visit the exhibition.

As in 2014, this exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue that includes one work by each of the 77 participating artists, an initiative that stems from the continuous contribution by Kulungwana Association towards the publication of documentation and information on the artistic production in the country.

This project counts on the support of Moza Banco and the Royal Norwegian Embassy.

The exhibition will be open until 16th May 2015.

Information / Venue

Exhibition opening: 18h00

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 10h00 - 17h00
Saturday: 10h00 - 15h00

Estação Central dos Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique, Praça dos Trabalhadores


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of