SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


67, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, bureau 200
H2X 1Z7 Montréal Québec
Tel. : +1 (514) 845-0880
Fax : +1 (514) 845-6218
Contact by email

The International center for information and documentation on Haiti, the Caribbean and the Afro-Canadian community was created in Montreal in 1983. To this day it is one of the rare ethnic organisations of French language in Quebec dedicated to research, the arts and culture more generally. Its mission encompasses four major fields:

* Information and documentation
* Scientific and cultural activities
* Publishing
* Audiovisual productions

As part of the celebration of its 25th anniversary in November of 2008, CIDIHCA has put on line the Memories of the haitian community in Canada which is a presentation of their integration and their participation in their adpoted community.


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of