SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1995
Format : Short
Running time : 10 (in minutes)

The town is astonishingly deserted, as if the sun rising in the middle of the night had caught everyone sleeping...as if a large epidemic had forced the population to hide.

France / 1995 / Fiction / 10'00 / 35 mm

Director: Hassan Alaoui
Script: Hassan Alaoui, Evelyne Parisse
Camera: Hassan Alaoui
Sound engineer: Najib Chlih
Editing: Ahmed Bouanani, Naïma Saoudi
Cast: Fatima Zahra, Mohamed Majhad, Malika Masrar, Mohamed Zerouali, Mustapha Bouasria
Decors: Mustapha Tabit


1 files


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

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