SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Woman Scream festival call for submissions

Genre : Cultural projects
Principal country concerned : Column : Poetry / story telling
Release/publication date : May 2014
Published on : 05/03/2014

Every year women poets and artists around the world in the month of March join their hands, words and talents in creating gatherings in their communities to raise their voices to fight violence against women. This is the fourth year for the Woman Scream festival and the second year Tanzania is participating. Tanzania will join 31 other countries in the movement this year.

La Poetists and Aisec Tanzania are collaborating to hold Woman Scream in Dar es Salaam on 28 March 2014.

If you are an artist interested in participating in any of the following fields, please contact us specifying what you are interested in.

The fields are:
Short stories
Visual arts


Poetry, testimonials: Writers should submit full length or excerpts of their work on the subject via email, including full name, bio and contact information.
Music: Applicants should submit a demo piece (can be an audio file or link to an online audio/video file), full name, bio and contact information.
Dancers: Submit your show of interest via email stating full name, bio and contact information.
Visual arts: Artists should submit a photo/picture of their work in JPG or PDF format or an online link, including full name, bio and contact information.

The deadline for submisions is 12 March. Practice begins on 15 March.

Email: lapoetista@gmail.com

For more information call 0717 366054


1 files


  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of