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KWETU Film Institute (Rwanda) opens its doors to students

Genre : Inaugurations
Contact details 2020 Estate, 101 Benjamina, Gacuriro Kigali, Rwanda Phone: +250 - (0)785 094 551 / +250 - (0)788304 089 +250 - (0)785217 946 / +250 - (0)783721987 HOT-LINE: +250 - (0)722 306 480 / CALL ANY TIME OF THE DAY!
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

KWETU Film Institute opened its doors at 9 am on Monday in a new complex located within Estate 2020 Gaculiro in Kigali, Rwanda. The event was graced by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture Edward Kalisa.

KWETU is a Swahili word, that means home! According to Eric KABERA, the institute founder, the institute is casting its net wider, "We are targeting students from East Africa and beyond. We want them to feel at home"
Addressing the students during his tour of the institute yesterday, the PS urged them to take advantage of the growing industry and look to film as a potential career.

"This is a great opportunity for you to explore your talents in this new innovative discipline of film making," he told students.
Kalisa hailed the management of the institute for its efforts to ensure that their dream of establishing the institute becomes a reality.
He urged students to produce films that relate to the Rwandan culture and context.
Speaking on behalf of the institute, Alice Kabera, the Managing Director of the institute, said that in the next five years, KWETU expects to enroll at least 2,000 students who would be exposed to all the vital aspects of cinematic media creation.
"We have now acquired the international curriculum in film making given by the most distinguished Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences and I am so excited that our students will get the best they want from the institute," she said.

Kabera pointed out that the institute will offer certificates, diplomas and in future affiliate degrees.
Jean Claude Muhire, one of the pioneer students, said he would use the institute as a platform to explore his talent. "I have always wanted to be a filmmaker and now this is a dream come true. I look forward to get more knowledge and skills to use in the production of films from this institution," he stated.

"This is a place which will not only be for learning but also a place for cultural exchange with the rest of the world" he adds.

A huge support and endorsement from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences elevate the institute to a world class. During their last visit to Rwanda in July, the Academy donated a well knitted curriculum that holds a huge potential to model students to be the future story tellers. The institute has rooms to accommodate visiting mentors from different parts of the world.

Many will believe that, we are living in the 21st century an era of internet boom; social sites were full of goodwill messages to the new students. I sampled some messages from the KFI pool of visiting mentors; "I encourage you to be humble in your education, but bold in your vision. Listen carefully to those who came before you, and speak forcefully to those who will one day listen to you.

Be bold. Be brave. And work hard. There has never been a successful filmmaker who was also a lazy filmmaker. You have to love it to be good at it… and if you give 100% of yourself you are going to love it" - Jon Turteltaub director of National Treasure 1&2.

"Welcome to a global community of filmmakers!! We are the dreamers of the world. Our goal: to acquire the skills to translate our vision into universal stories. To share a message with the world about who we are and the choices we make", Posted Stephanie Allain, Hollywood Producer

"In the last 10 years whenever I came to see you, I tried to teach you one thing only. It's not about using this or that technical skills, it's not about going to international festivals. It is how to tell your own stories to your own people" Volker
The Institute will offer intensive training in the various disciplines involved in film making, such as sound editing, script writing, cinematography, but also television journalism, among others.


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