SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Paris of My Exiles

  • Paris de mes exils
© Rina Sherman
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 48 (in minutes)

Following seven years of communal life with the Ovahimba in Namibia and Angola, Rina Sherman is back in Paris, city in which she took up exile from South Africa in 1984. Her return coincides with the death of three close friends: Jean Rouch - filmmaker, mentor and pal, Didier Contant - grand reporter and âme sœur, the Headman of Etanga - patriach of her Omuhimba family and father of her life.
Rina Sherman brings to the screen an urban poem about urban life through a her thoughts on human rights, freedom of expression, the cinema and her return to city life, following and intense and rich encounter with an African family whose values and ethics are intact.

A film by Rina Sherman

France, 2009, Documentary, 48', Vidéo.

Screenings and Press:
Maghreb… si loin si proche.
La SCAM, May 2008.
Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth: Anthropological and archaeological imaginations: past, present and future, April 2009
3rd Annual Anthropology Film Festival at UBC, TransNationalities, Vancouver, May, 2009
Revue de presse : Le soir d'Algerie
XVIII International Festival of Ethnological Film, Belgrade Ethnographic Museum, October 22nd - October 25th 2009 IVSA Conference 2010,Thinking, "Doing and Publishing Visual Research: The State of the Field?", Bologne Controsguardi International Ethnographic Festival, Perugia, Italy, 2010
Current Anthropology: An Exercise in Reflexivity (Sherman's Paris of My Exiles)


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  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of