SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Say No Save Lives Concert@The National Theatre

© Bornfire Uganda
Genre : Performance | Kampala

Friday 07 november 2014

Times : 00:00
Contact details : Bornfire Uganda
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Dance

Bonfire Uganda in partnership with Uganda National Cultural Center with support from Text To Change, Uganda National Heath Consumers Organization,Centre for Tobacco Control Africa, Uganda Health Communication Alliance, Rainbow House of Hope, Parliamentary Forum For Non Communicable Diseases Guide to Uganda, Basher Team and Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids presents ... Say No Save Lives concert off our Speak Your Mind Africa initiative that build advocacy for social and economic issues through creative and performing arts!

In this event, we will be focusing on the following side effects of Tobacco smoking as we build more advocacy and awareness of the Tobacco Control Bill....

1. The prevalence of smoking is on the increase among the youths who smoke more than their parents. Smoking among girls is 14% compared to 3% among adult women, while boys and men tie at 15%.
2. In Uganda, smoking is highest among the poor communities and the regions of Karamoja and West Nile are most affected. 
3. Tobacco use causes a number of non-communicable diseases such as lung and mouth cancer, heart disease and stroke. 
4. In women, tobacco use causes reproductive health complications such as miscarriages, abortions, premature labour and low birth weight.
5. In men, smoking causes impotence, decreased sperm numbers and abnormal sperm morphology.
6. Smoking worsens communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and neonatal meningitis and Asthma in children. 
7. Among the youths, tobacco use is the gateway to other drugs such as marijuana and opium. 
8. Women have 2x the rate of depression than men and smoking worsens depression. 
9. Girls and women fear weight gain and start smoking to control weight.
10. More women are exposed to second hand smoke than men
11. Tobacco industry targets women using seductive images in adverts 
12. Tobacco growing is labour intensive, gives low income to the farmers and contributes to food insecurity in the home.
13. Tobacco has not helped to reduce poverty in the regions of Bunyoro and West Nile where it is heavily grown. 
14. Uganda's tax share of average price per pack of cigarettes stands at 36% and it is the second lowest after Tanzania in EAC as compared to Kenya's 49% and the WHO recommended rate of 70%. 
15. In 2010/11, tobacco generated 63.7 billion shillings in tax revenue, which accounted for only 1% of total tax revenue, which can be substituted by other sources. 
16. The money from tobacco is far less compared to what is needed in form of health costs for treating of cancers and other chronic diseases caused by tobacco plus loss of productivity. 
17. Tobacco growing causes negative environmental effects as 130 kgs of wood fuel is needed to cure 1 kg of tobacco leaf leading to loss of forest cover. 
18. Smoking releases 2.6 billion Kgs of CO2 and 5.2 billion Kgs of methane in the atmosphere globally per year leading to global warming and climate change.
19. Alternatives to tobacco growing do exist, and their adoption should use the already identified and analyzed crops based on the zoning done by Ministry of Agriculture after the market chain has been well evaluated. 

Tobacco use causes:
• Miscarriages, abortions, premature labour and low birth weight.
• Impotence and decreased sperm numbers
• Lung and mouth cancer
• Heart disease and stroke. 
• Asthma in children
• Financial loss
Tobacco Kills!!! Say NO Save Lives

Hosted By: Ugly Emcee

National theater Auditorium

Entrance is 5000UGX and all proceeds goes to our Tobacco Campaign advocacy... Buy a ticket today and Save Lives!!!

For details call: 0793292009/0757842117/ 0788784365 and 0718303194 or you can email uglyhiphop@gmail.com

Information / Venue

Time: 7:45pm-10:45pm

Entrance: 5000UGX

Uganda National Cultural Centre Plot 2, 4 & 6 De-Winton Road


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  • Arterial network Burkina Faso chapter

With the support of